THE SOURDOUGH, eat healthy…

From Wikipedia:Natural sourdough, also called sourdough, is a mixture of flour and water subjected to spontaneous contamination by the micro-organisms present in the raw materials, coming from the air, from the environment, from the operator, whose development creates an indigenous wild microflora in the interior of the mass in which the cultivation of lactic bacteria predominates. These microorganisms, in nutritional competition among themselves in an artisan reality, in the presence of nutrients, water, heat, etc., grow, multiply, start the specific metabolic processes of the species to which they belong and die. Unlike the so-called brewer’s yeast, the sourdough hosts, besides the yeasts of which the dominant genus is the Saccharomyces, also different species of heterofermentative and homofermentative lactic bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus”.

Ok this is the official explanation! The sourdough is alive, not bought but given as a present, and when you receive it you give it a name and you take care of it because it is something alive. Mine is called Tigre, which is the nickname of my traveling companion, a cat called Sigarot. A faithful companion who has been with me for 16 years, my way of honoring him is to keep the sourdough alive, and every time I refresh, I kiss her closing my eyes and sending a thought to Tigre. I have been taking care of the sourdough Tigre for three and a half years. I’m not a specialist, a baker and I’m not an extremist, so even if at the beginning I scrupulously followed the rules, quantities and temperatures and everything you can find on how to use sourdough in the best way, to a some point I started to use it as it used to be, in the Roman dialect it says “de core e de panza” which means with all my heart and all my stomach, in other words with great passion. Bread, pizza, biscuits, biscuits, breadsticks … whatever comes to mind is the experiment. Naturally I use stone-ground flours, type “0”, type “1” and type “2”, integral or semi-integrated. And I think that after three and a half years “Tiger” has become a very powerful sourdough 🙂 Eating healthy also means this, it’s fun, you know what you eat and how it’s cooked, and you did it yourself! Of course, with a small domestic electric oven you can’t expect too much, but fun and satisfaction are guaranteed. Have a good meal!

Me and the cat Sigarot aka Tigre we had some wonderful moments together, I’m so grateful for having had his company, for having received his teachings, for having been able to read his messages and follow his stimulus. He was an exceptional traveling companion. Somewhere there is a valley with a crystal clear river that from the east makes its way into the landscape to the west. On the sides of this valley there are two mountain ranges. On one of these, on the side of a mountain facing south-west, there is a small plateau, with a garden.There is also a small vineyard but for the rest is an uncultivated natural garden, there is a wonderful view and a great silence. In the sense that there are no sounds of man, of the city, of machines. Only the music of nature. And here rests the warrior cat Sigarot aka Tigre …I know you’re there, always … thanks. In the first picture he’s relaxing, in the second picture, his soul garden…