I decided to insert this new page: wood and bread. Which are among the “things” I love to do when I’m not busy as a videomaker or editor or photographer. It is an in-depth page on the themes of sourdough and wood recycling of which you can find the articles in the diary.

These are the links, sourdough: https://www.pierreandretransunto.com/the-sourdough/  and wood recycling:  https://www.pierreandretransunto.com/ipdp/

As far as bread is concerned, it is about sharing my creations and encouraging you to try the beauty and wonder of creating a pizza, a bread, a biscuit. It is not just a question of healthy eating, but also and above all of great fun and sharing time with the people we love. For example, making pizzas with friends is much more fun than spending time in front of a mobile phone or computer monitor, don’t you think? And then, do you know what foods are for the soul …? They are colored foods, think how nice it is to be able to eat colors :))) How much energy, how much positivity …

As far as wood is concerned, the concept is always that of the reuse of pallets or wood platforms which are generally intended to be discarded. It is about giving life to new objects according to the simple idea and imagination of the moment. Here! On this page you will find fun ideas and lots of fun!

I want to clarify that these “creations” are the fruit of love and passion, they are a nice way to use my free time, it’s my way … There is nothing professional, I don’t want to say that this is the way to do these things, which is a competence of the professionals who dedicate their life to these wonderful jobs … It’s just my way and my hobby... It’s pure sharing :))


Rebirth of a table



Pizza time one



A present for a friend